Friday 18 February 2011

Blog 2

It's been about 18 months since I last blogged. I stopped for several reasons: I was too busy doing other things, I felt I didn't really having anything to write about, and, most importantly, blogger was banned at work. Work was always the place where I had blogged most, as it's something I'd rather get paid for doing. There are other entertainments at home you see, I didn't want to waste precious evenings failing to be witty in some self-righteous blog.
But blogger isn't banned anymore. I'm not sure why, I guess the arse fell out of blogging and with less people doing it, it was seen as less of a threat to business.
Also, I'm writing things more.
I usually sketch out some rough notes for things I talk about on the radio, but sometimes I broadcast what I write down pretty much verbatim. With a bit of tweaking I could put these rants up on here, as a record of proof as to why listening figures have been dropping off lately.
Thirdly, in the reasons for writing in here again, I'm reading a lot. Reading as much as I am at the minute appears to stir a need in me to write things of my own, be it record reviews, features for the radio, or long-winded emails to workmates in which I outline where the world is going wrong.
So, let's see what happens if I start this nonsense up again. I already have a few things prepared as you'll see if you read on...up...whatever...

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